3 reasons solo entrepreneurs need to use WordPress

It’s no secret that at Van Patten Media we love WordPress. It’s why we run #chatwp, speak at WordCamps, and release WordPress plugins. But we’re not the only ones who love WordPress; it’s used by over 20% of all websites as measured by W3Stats, and we’re sure that number is going to grow even more.

Why? Because WordPress is the perfect website management tool for solo entrepreneurs. As entrepreneurship grows, WordPress usage will grow with it, and we have three great reasons why you need to hop on the bandwagon too.

Reason One: WordPress is easy

When I first meet with a client, I frequently hear things like “I’m not very tech savvy,” or “who will handle the updates?” and “will I be able to manage my site?” Most solo entrepreneurs and small business owners are so consumed by their business and focusing on their niches that they don’t think they could possibly learn how to use another tool.

Fortunately, WordPress is crazy easy. Like “if you can send an email you can use WordPress” easy. (Quite literally too: it’s actually possible to post to your WordPress website via email!) I’ve had the pleasure of helping people of all stripes learn the basics of WordPress: harried solo business owners, septuagenarian college professors, code-illiterate actors, and more. The number one thing I hear from these folks is just how easy it is: they weren’t expecting that!

Even if you’re totally without technical know-how, WordPress makes it easy to manage your own small business site.

Reason Two: WordPress is flexible

If your WordPress developer has built your site the right way, you won’t be restricted to the pages and posts that were there when it went live. WordPress makes it possible to easily add new content and manipulate the site without paying a designer. Launching a new product? WordPress will make it possible to add a page to your site about it. Want to change a logo? If your site was built the right way, it’ll be a piece of cake.

Some designers also use what we call “modular theme design” or “content block design” which is a fancy way of saying that you’ll be able to lay out new pages almost like building a LEGO model. Your designer will provide you with pre-made “sections”, for example a “photo block”, a “video block”, and a “text block”, which you can assemble in any configuration you’d like. It’s easy, and it leaves you with the power to add beautiful new content to your site with little effort.

Your budget for improvements to your site might be tight, but that’s okay because WordPress gives you the power to expand and grow without paying designers.

Reason Three: “Outsourcing” your site

photo credit: Heisenberg Media via photopin cc
photo credit: Heisenberg Media cc

We’ve already discussed how WordPress is easy and powerful, but what if you’re still busy and overwhelmed? WordPress, with its extensive user management and permissions features, makes it easy to outsource website updates and changes.

If you’re frequently adding new products to your site, why not hire a virtual assistant to take care of that? Do you write a lot of blog posts? A virtual editor can help you spell-check those posts and then add them to your website for you, with a nice image too. Worried about WordPress security updates? Many designers and developers offer a month-to-month “update” service, where they can make sure updates are installed.

At Van Patten Media, we love outsourcing, and WordPress is part of the reason why. Because it’s so popular (one-fifth of the web uses it!) most virtual assistants and content editors already know how to use it. This means that it’s not tough to find someone to help reduce your workload so you can focus on building your business, not maintaining a website.

Hopefully these tips will help convince you why using WordPress is so essential to your solo small business. Oh, we forgot to mention the final reason it’s essential: WordPress is free! You can get started today at WordPress.org, or contact us for a free WordPress design consulation to learn how we can help you harness the power of WordPress for your small business.

Have your own reasons why you rely on WordPress? Share them in the comments below! And if you’d like more awesome WordPress tips, drop your name in the form below!

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photo credit: thisismyurl cc

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