Building tech in Buffalo

My new friend Chelsea Orcutt wrote a nice article about the efforts to build the technology startup community in Buffalo, NY (where I’m currently based). The article not only discusses some of the efforts going on in Buffalo, but offers some tips to build a startup community anywhere.

And to top it all off, she was kind enough to quote me and mention Van Patten Media!

You can find the article at the Syracuse University iSchool blog “InfoSpace,” and I’ve excerpted a snippet of the article below.

When someone mentions Buffalo, New York, I’m going to bet you think, “chicken wings” or “unsuccessful sports teams”  before you think, “tech startup hub.” (I’m a proud Buffalonian, so I’m allowed to make fun of it.)

While Buffalo is a far cry from being “the next Silicon Valley,” a small, dedicated group of people is trying to change that. Their efforts provide a valuable case study for cultivating a thriving startup scene in any city.

Read the rest of “Building a Thriving Startup Scene Anywhere“.

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