Plugin Spotlight: WP Password Generator

Strong passwords are key when it comes to security. In fact, the strength of your password can be the difference between a hack and a foiled hacker.

WP Password Generator is an awesome little plugin for WordPress that allows you to quickly generate secure, completely random passwords. By adding a simple “generate password” button in your user profile area (in both adding or editing mode), WP Password Generator gives you the quick ability to create passwords that will keep hackers guessing for a long time.

When paired with a password manager like 1Password, WP Password Generator really shines. You can easily generate random passwords right in line with WP Password Generator, and then save them in 1Password (or your manager of choice) so you don’t need to remember the long convoluted string of characters. It’s a great way to boost security.

Be sure to check out WP Password Generator today. Developer Steve Grunwell has done an excellent job with this little plugin, and should be commended for resisting the temptation to add bloat and unnecessary features. This plugin is simple, no-nonsense, and gets an important job done painlessly!

1 Comment »

  1. […] cases contribute directly to the development via pull requests. He became an advocate for my work, blogging about the plugin and re-tweeting almost anything I tweeted about its development. Van Patten was also true to his […]

    Pingback — August 4, 2015 @ 9:36 pm

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