New plugins: SSO Cross Cookie and SSL Subdomain

We are pleased to announce two new WordPress plugins designed for supporting SSL security and custom domains in WordPress Multisite — SSL Subdomain and SSO Cross Cookie.

I have discovered that trying to explain what these plugins do succinctly and generically while being accurate is actually quite difficult, so let’s do a scenario!

The Scenario

We have a WordPress Multisite network. Let’s call it We bought a fancy SSL wildcard certificate so we can offer * over a secure connection.

We’d very much like to use this secure connection for all logins, and for all admin access.

We also allow sites on this network to use a custom domain — like We might be using WPMU Domain Mapping to achieve this. These sites have two domains, then — and

If we switch on FORCE_SSL_LOGIN or FORCE_SSL_ADMIN, we have a problem. When users go to, they get a certificate error. We have a wildcard certificate for *, but we can’t possibly have a valid SSL certificate installed for every custom domain!

Instead, we want to force all login pages and admin pages to be:

We want all regular access to be:

SSL Subdomain solves this first problem — rewriting the URLs so that your network sites are accessed over their custom domains over HTTP, but that all login and admin access is over the SSL-secured subdomain.

This still leaves us with one problem — when a user logs in to their admin panel, they are logged in to that, but not to their site URL on the custom domain. The two locations are separate domains, and therefore require separate cookies that let WordPress know you are logged in.

This is where SSO Cross Cookie steps in. As its name might suggest, it sets a cookie across both domains, allowing for Single Sign On (SSO). In concert with the first plugin, we now have:

  • Regular site access using the custom domains.
  • Login and admin over SSL-secured subdomains, always.
  • Seamless single sign on for access to both the SSL-secured admin panel and the actual site on the custom domain.

The best of both worlds — and as secure as we possibly can be without having the expense and complexity of an SSL certificate (and therefore a separate server IP address) for each and every custom domain on our network.

To download and for more information, see the pages on the WordPress plugin directory for SSL Subdomain and SSO Cross Cookie.

If you want to follow bleeding-edge development more closely, there are also GitHub projects for SSL Subdomain and for SSO Cross Cookie.

1 Comment »

  1. […] Wednesday, March 7: We released our first official WordPress plugins! Peter’s brilliant solution for supporting SSL in the WordPress admin panel when you’re using custom domains in Multisite was finally made available on the WordPress plugin directory. The plugins (it’s a two part solution) were developed for an internal project that never came to fruition. We’re happy to share the results with the WordPress community! Read more about it at Van Patten Media Labs. […]

    Pingback — March 9, 2012 @ 3:38 pm

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